MM est envahies de rapports.
Voici ceux sur lequel il n'est plus nécessaire de faire un rapport.
- Citation :
- Firstly, thanks for all your hard work reporting bugs to use. Our QA team have been sorting though the hundreds of bug reports you've all been sending in. Yay - you are teh winnarz!
There are now a shed load of bugs which we're well aware of and we're getting lots of duplicates.
We need you all to make sure that any bugs you report from now on are not on the list below.
That will really help us to filter the bugs!
* Do not post bug reports with "my lvl iz borked" - This isn't very helpful. What is helpful - is if you publish your broken level and reference it in your bug report.
* On the forums, please make sure you search for existing threads before creating new threads to discuss bugs - this will really help us if we need to look through discussion on a specific bug.
Thank you! :smileyhappy:
Bugs NOT to report:
* The game crashes/hangs in the pod when the player is left idle
* Game Hangs on a white screen loading into levels.
* The game crashes when tweaking a Sackbot or note when running the game in a foreign language.
* Music within the pod begins to loop continuously
* Player can break the horizontal bounce pad pillars in Tower of Woop
* Missing Grapple hook in Tower of Woop after dying.
* Multiplayer Block Drop not functioning properly.
* Falling out of the levels in tutorials.
* Tutorial videos not being correctly split into chapters.
* Intro video having no audio.
* Sackbots not following the player correctly in Pipe Dreams.
* Keyboard does not work correctly
* No sackboy animation when dying by fire or electric
* Using the Playstation controller keyboard causes the menus to stop functioning.
* If the user eject a direct control seat while off camera they can become invisible.
* Edges of the screen get cut off if the player is using 4:3 ratio on Standard Def TV
* LBP1 Music not playing.
* “Thin gas” now being visible.
* Can’t make entrance points really small.
* DLC that is obtained from the LBP1 GOTY edition cannot be used in LBP2 Beta Trial.
* White knight feet incorrectly categorised
* Cannibal costume Icon is incorrect.
* Missile object in Popit being incorrectly named as Unnamed Object.
* Panda head piece is incorrectly named.
* Mr Sun and Mrs Moon are incorrectly named as “A Costume”
* Will Turner costume is wrong.
* Knights Skin costume has the incorrect icon.
* Le jeu qui fige quand un autre joueur quitte la partie
*L'écran qui reste blanc pendant un chargement.
* Les problèmes de freeze du a une autres langues que l'anglais.
* Musique dans le pod qui bug
* le Pilier qui se casse dans le niveau Tower of Woop
* Grappin manquant dans le niveau Tower of Woop.
* La chute dans le tutorial.
* Les tutoriaux qui ne corespondent pas.
* La vidéo d'intro sans musique.
* Les sackbots suivent mal dans les tuyaux.
* Keyboard does not work correctly
* Les animations manquantes quand le sackboy meurt par le feu ou l'électricité.
* le menu qui cesse de fonctionnner quand un clavier est branché.
* l'écran 4/3 n'est pas complet,
* Les musiques de LBP1 qui ne marche pas.
* on ne peut pas créer de petit check point d'entré.
* Les DLC de la Goty éditon ne marche pas.
* Pied du chevalier blanc est mal répertorié.
Je n'ai pas tout traduit, je ne comprend pas tout x)
* Cannibal costume le nom est incorrect.
* Missile avec le nom incorrect.
* La tête de panda est mal nommé.
* Nom incorrect pour les habit Lune et Soleil.
*Le costume Will turner est faux
* Le skin chevalier n'a pas la bonne icône.